Friday, October 13, 2006

Decisions, Decisions when will they make them?

I dare say there are many people out there who have been in this position. Waiting for that call to say yes please come in, we want to make you an offer. But we sit by the phone waiting, people around us say its ok, they'll call but they just need time.

We are in a world where time is all perspective. We wait and time becomes very long. We get what we want and time flys. If only we could work the two together and shorten that waiting period. The other question is that unasked question, am I wasting my time? You never know so I am now working to the idea that a decision not given is a decision not made and move on to something else. Its just a pain that people can not be more open in their communications and consider what it is like on the other side waiting on that decision.

Marc Dimmick

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