Friday, February 15, 2013

Device Fit for Purpose

At the moment the market is starting to be flooded with different devices, that is tablet devices. The mobile phone is growing in size and in the middle we have the 7 inch device (or more correctly 17.8cm) but 7 inch is easier to remember. All the companies in the different camps of Microsoft, Android and Apple claiming to be better than the other offering. But as the title indicates we really need to look at all of these devices and what we are looking to employ them to do.

Looking at a device and asking the question of what you want them to be employed for makes you stop and think. We all know we want it easy to use and for a long time Apple has held that position but that is changing. With the advent of Windows 8, Android Jellybean and iOS6x we are starting to see the differences are being reduced. The debates on one operating system of the other is moving more into the religious realm rather than the employment realm.

I have a tablet which is a 11inch device. This size is similar to an A4 piece of paper. Being pen based this is practical and works across both the analogue and digital realm. The best part of the tablet it started to reduce my electronic stack to the extent that it was portable to the extent of removing the need for a laptop and more powerful than my desktop. Working on that premise will soon replace the desktop. Replace it to the extent of the computer on my desk but I will plug into the Large screen and keyboard.

With respect to mobile consumption of data and information and the ability to function digitally the tablet has offered that. The issue I discovered on a recent overseas trip is that the tablet computer was just that little to big and was hard to manage. For those quick items or period of time when I wanted to browse my mobile filled that place. For sometime my mobile phone was my mobile consumption device and even though it did the job it was a bit small and the battery life was not that good. I finally obtained a Nexus 7inch device. This device then provided a large enough screen to read digital books as it was more akin to a paperback size. Ability to watch video where I could reach the end of a number of them before requiring a recharge and finally listen to audio books. I could also read and respond to email and browse the net.

The beauty of the 7inch format is that it fitted my pocket and I could store and retrieve the device quickly and efficiently. This size and format was important and it was with disbelief when Apple who was known for their insights into usability and functionality released a device which is about .5 inch bigger. It does not fit in your pocket so you are then in a position to carry it in a case or some sort. On that basis for an extra $100+ you could buy an iPad which gave the larger format screen and provides a better experience and value for money proposition.

For quite a while I have been asking the Microsoft crowd when will the Windows8 7inch device be delivered to market. I got blank looks and re-directed to the new slate. Well today I noticed an article quoting Microsoft's Chief Financial Officer Peter Klein alluding to a smaller device on the horizon. What I believe is that Microsoft will release a 7inch device but that the evolution with be better screen technology and finally reducing to a 6-6.5inch device and that the mobile phones will move up to this space. Fingers cross and let see.

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