Friday, March 31, 2006

Method or Madness?

Is your business running in chaos or is there an underlying method to the way you work?

Many businesses today just get in and do the work. When its just you and maybe one other that's fine, but what happens as you grow. Like many businesses it not until things become crazy that this is ever though about. Initially it may not be necessary to define a process in the way you work. But as they say if you fail to plan you plan to fail.

When people start their business the idea is to add value, most times for the client or end user. The other motive is to build the business so you can sit back and just make all that money. Well you will never beable to sit back and rake in the money if you don't have processes. It does not need to be complex and infact the simpler the better but look at what and how you carry out the task to deliver your services.

Document and then test it with someone else and see if they understand what you are trying to do. Then review and update, in this way when you employ those hundreds of employees you can sit back and rake in the money.

The important thing is to constantly review and update and make sure that everyone knows and understands the process. This will then help when you hire the next member of your organisation.

Marc Dimmick

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